a Lecture by SSISA Academy


Claire Walker briefly examines the different systems of the body and discusses how these are uniquely affected by exercise and training.
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Dr Claire Walker



Lectures in this series

1 hour

Est study time
soon to be Accredited by:

What will you learn?

  • A brief introduction to the physiological systems that are impacted through exercise.
  • How the structures improve an athletes physiology to improve their capacity to perform.

Who IS This for?

  • Exercise professionals looking to refresh their knowledge of current concepts within exercise physiology.
  • All individuals wanting to improve their understanding of why exercise physiology is necessary.
  • Coaches looking to understand the demands exercise places on their athletes.
  • All sports enthusiasts with a passion for improving their own performance. 

For your career

Whether you want to boost your career within your profession or you are working to grow your own knowledge we provide certificates as well as CPD points. 

Course Lessons

About Dr Claire Walker

Dr Claire Walker currently holds a position as a sport scientist and researcher within software company, LifeQ. She also consults for the Online Skills Development for SSISA Academy. She obtained a PhD from Stellenbosch University in 2020. 

Claire has six years of lecturing and facilitation experience within higher education. As a past lecturer at SSISA, her role included the delivery of sport and exercise science-related principles to students enrolled in the Certificate in Fitness. Her main aim was in combining coaching and exercise prescription with scientific principles. Claire’s research focuses on motor learning principles, training load and athlete monitoring.

As a sport scientist and researcher, she is passionate about helping people pursue their fitness goals and encouraging the prescription of exercise and physical activity for improvements in health and wellness.
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